S3 File Manager

This package is envisioned as a simple way to interact with AWS S3 buckets from inside Spryker’s back office.


The first step is selecting a bucket from the dropdown menu and pressing the show button.

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The page will reload and the table will be populated with file names from the chosen bucket. The table holds 500 file names per request, but this number can be further customized. If a bucket has more than 500 entries, the next 500 can be loaded by pressing on the Load data button in the bottom right corner. This process can be repeated until the bucket goes dry.


Most features are accessed through the table above, such as downloading or deleting files, searching through loaded files in the table and filtering by prefix through all files directly in the S3 bucket.

Downloading and deleting files

Files can be downloaded or deleted by pressing the corresponding button to the right of the file in the table.


They can also be downloaded and deleted in bulk. Simply check the files you’d like to perform the action on and press the corresponding button below the table. These buttons are disabled unless a file is checked.


Search and filter

Searching through the table is performed by typing a search term in the field at the top right of the table, while filtering is performed by typing in the top left field.


Filtering will go through the whole S3 bucket and return entries that start with the filtered term. If there are more than 500 entries, the Load data button can be used to load another 500 to the table. The filter term has to be at least 3 characters and is case-sensitive but we’ve introduced a workaround. The filter will return all entries that start with the filtered term as is, the filtered term with the first letter capitalized, the filtered term all in lower case and the filtered term all in upper case.


Searching doesn’t have these limitations. The search term can appear anywhere in the file name and the case is ignored, however it will only search through the file names already loaded into the table. Filter and search can be used together to further pinpoint the files of interest.

Uploading files

Files can also be uploaded directly to the bucket from back office. The upload form is located in the top right of the page. This package supports a single file per upload. To upload a file first a bucket has to be selected from the dropdown menu.


Next choose a file to upload to the selected bucket and press the upload button.

Customizing number of entries returned

By default we’re loading in 500 file names from S3, but the number can be changed easily by editing a constant in config_default.php located in config/Shared/config_default.php. The maximal value AWS allows is a 1000 records per request.
